I have vivid and unusual dreams, when I remember them. Often, they play out like movies. If dreams can tell us anything about ourselves, then this dream journal should tell a lot about me! (Let's hope it doesn't just say I'm a crazy lady.)

Sunday 7 September 2008

Family Reunion Including Souls From The Other Side

This was a strange dream I had a few nights ago and not all of it is clear to me in my memory, but I remember enough of it to share here.

I was getting my family ready for a family reunion that was also a birthday party for my paternal Grandma. (My grandma died in her 90s a couple of years ago.) She would be seeing my youngest four children (Cameron was here) for the first time. The kids were older, not fully grown yet, but about 5 years older than they are now.

My oldest daughter Victoria was not with us, and did not come to the reunion. I had to explain to my grandma why she wasn't there. My grandma did not seem as bothered by the news as I expected her to be.

Two other children who showed up and called me mommy. One was a boy and one was a girl. One was near about 19 years old and one was about 8 years old. The older one was the girl and the younger one was the boy. The girl was blonde and the boy was a redhead. I felt an instant connection to them and knew they were my children even though I couldn't explain how.

The reunion was enjoyable and I felt happy, though it was tinged with a touch of sadness due to Victoria not being a part of it.

I woke up about then.

Thinking back on the dream, I am reminded of a couple of things.

One, my grandmother's birthday was in September, and it is now September. I'll have to check the date of her birthday to see if I had the dream on the actual day.

Two, I have had two early miscarriages in the past - one a couple of months before I conceived Kayla and one a couple of months before I conceived Isabella. I do not know the genders of the two babies I lost, but I always felt the first was a girl and the second one was a boy.

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